Fehler 28 tanjack photo qr - ReinerSCT-Hilfe ist falsch

Posted 4 months ago by Andreas.schoof

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tanjack photo qr liefert bei der DKB konstant Fehler 28 sobald das QR im Display auftaucht. Manuelle TAN und Kamera/Display funktionieren. Die ReinerSCT-Hilfe verkündet, dies liege weder an Karte noch an Generator. Seltsam, dass ein anderes tanjack photo qr mit selber Karte die QRcodes sauber einliest. Falsche Hilfetexte sind umso ärgerlicher, als Kunde von der Bank keinerlei support mehr zu erwarten hat.

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Animix Play posted about 2 months ago

"Fehler 28 tanJack photo QR" on ReinerSCT devices indicates an error in QR code recognition. Check for proper alignment, clean the scanner, or ensure the code is not damaged. Contact ReinerSCT support for further assistance.

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SportzFy posted 3 months ago

The "Fehler 28 tanjack photo qr" error occurs when using ReinerSCT devices for online banking authentication with the TAN (Transaction Authentication Number) system. Common causes include incorrect QR code or photo, misconfiguration of the device, software issue, or invalid certificate or TAN process. To fix the error, check the QR code, update ReinerSCT software, verify device connection, clear cache and reboot, and contact ReinerSCT support if necessary. The error message suggests that the QR code or photo may be incorrect or incompatible, and the device may not be properly configured or connected to the computer. Clearing the browser's cache or restarting the software can resolve temporary errors. If the issue persists, contact ReinerSCT support for assistance. 

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pisowifi posted 3 months ago

The comment "Fehler 28 tanjack photo qr - ReinerSCT-Hilfe ist falsch" is related to an issue or error message related to a technical support topic. The comment suggests that the provided solution or instruction in the official help system or documentation is inaccurate or not helpful. The purpose of the comment is to report an issue where the official help documentation is not solving the problem and seek assistance from others who may have encountered or solved the issue. If posting in a forum or support page, adding specific details can help others understand the problem better and provide more accurate solutions. 

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